Product Details

The FTD Bountiful Bouquet

The FTD Bountiful Bouquet

The FTD® Bountiful™ Bouquet bursts with harvest cheer and Autumn beauty. Bright orange roses, Asiatic Lilies and Peruvian Lilies are gorgeously accented with seeded eucalyptus perfectly arrranged in a designer ceramic pumpkin container, with lid included, to send your most heartfelt wishes of affection and gratitude.

The FTD® Bountiful™ Bouquet bursts with harvest cheer and Autumn beauty. Bright orange roses, Asiatic Lilies and Peruvian Lilies are gorgeously accented with seeded eucalyptus perfectly arrranged in a designer ceramic pumpkin container, with lid included, to send your most heartfelt wishes of affection and gratitude.

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